Slept in today. It was great!
I took Patrick to sign him up for soccer with BAYFA. It's been awhile since he was involved in sports...too long, actually, so we went and did that today.
I did manage to get some clothes folded today...but still have not put all the Christmas stuff back into the boxes and put them out in the storage bldg. I don't know what I am waiting for. I keep telling myself that I am going to go through everything and weed out what we don't use, but it never happens. I have been saying that for about 5 years. I did find Addison enjoying a big snow globe in the sunroom today and knew I had my POTD.
I'm realizing I am in desperate need for photography classes. Or at least to find the manual for my camera which has been missing for a good year or more.
Still loving Project Life. It is taking a little more time that I envisioned. I had some photos printed out and mailed to me so I am getting caught up on that tonight. I still think I need to make a word file and print out my jouranling because I really don't like my if I did that I would probably journal daily because I'm on the computer anyway. As it is, I have been doing the journaling the last 2 Saturday nights.
I think tomorrow I will make a list of the things I want to include in the book. For instance...there is a tree, it is on Chapman Road. This sounds crazy, but ever since we bought our house, I have noticed that tree all the time when I drive by, which is usually daily. I notice it every season, with and w/out leaves, etc. I always say I am going to take a picture about it and put it in a scrapbook but I never have. I do have a friend that took a picture of it for me one time many many years ago but I never got the picture from her. (Hi Tina!) This is probably a shock to anyone that knows me because I don't often "notice" nature or anything...but that tree does something for me. I can be having a bad day and then drive by it and "calm down" for the few seconds that I see it. It's just the most perfect tree. One year, several years ago, part of the tree...a big chunck of branch, fell out of it...and made it "less perfect" in its symmetry, and I noticed. I have watched it fill back out over the years since. I can't explain just makes me happy. Guess I'll be driving over there tomorrow and taking a picture! :)
Also, pictures of the kid's schools, the grocery store, the bank, the places I shop, or eat, the places that make up my everyday life. I want those in this book.
what would make this so much easier to do and keep up with would be a more portable camera (Ty has misplaced his or I would try using it) and a photo printer. The kind that does 4x6 photos. I could do this daily if I had those. I just can't go buy one just for this, though. I don't normally keep my Canon Rebel with me at all times. I don't want to leave it in my car, either. But when we find Ty's camera, I'll keep that handy.
oh, something else I definitely have to include in the book...this is for my Sister-in-Law, Kathy, and my hairdresser/friend, Misty Brown. a picture of my RED SWEATER. :)) That sweater has been with me longer than I have had kids. I get teased all the time. What can I say? It's comfy, it's just the right weight for Texas's perfect for me. I remember when I went to buy it...I had planned to get the Ivory colored one like my friend at work had. But they were out of it. So I settled for red. and now they will probably bury me with it! (but please not IN's too hot in Texas!) :))
cute picture. As for the sweater, at least cut the shoulder pads out-the 80's shoulder pads!...