Until I got on the train and saw all the green people were wearing.

I took the day off and while my Mom watched Addison, I took the boys and their friend to Dallas on the train. We went to West End and had lunch. BBQ. Sonny Bryan's Smokehouse. It really hit the spot. The restaurant was inside of what I suspect used to be a hotel. The entrance was really unique, had a great staircase. Love old architecture.

Anyway, from there, we went here.

Bodies, the Exhibition, in Dallas West End Marketplace.
I have to say, it was a facinating thing to see. At least for me. The boys...not so much. They got through it all pretty quick. Travis could not get past the fact that these were actual people. He had too much empathy for them. Patrick just thought it was gross and felt sick to his stomach. I guess it's not for everyone. I, on the other hand, found it facinating. The most surprising things for me were:
1. The bladder is so small. I'm sorry, but i KNOW my bladder holds more than the one on display. I know it stretches, but seriously? It was maybe the size of an apple.
2. The ear bones. I guess this surprised me the most. The incus, stapes, and malleus. The were SMALL. I can't emphasize this enough. They would fit inside a pea with room left over. They were minute. It's a good thing I'm not a surgeon..I would just think they were bone fragments. A chip off a bone. They were tiny.
3. The embryonic section. There were fetus' there...from 5 weeks up to term. The 8 week fetus...about the size of a pea. From 5 to 8 weeks, just looked like a blob. The 8 week, you could see through the sac and see the beginnings of a baby. But at 9 weeks, it was about 10x the size of the 8 week and could fit in the palm of your hand. Again, facinating to see the size of each. Heartbreaking to think they never made it to this world, but from a medical standpoint, facinating.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to anyone in the medical field, but it's not for the squeamish. I really thought the boys would like it...was a little surprised at their reaction and because of that, made me realize it's not for everyone.
They did not allow photography...which is probably best because I would have been there all day.
What I really liked is they had a lot of the stuff labeled. Individual muscles, bones, parts of organs, all labeled. Got to see all the stuff I have been typing about for 22 years.
We rode the train home, went to get Addison, but she was asleep, so left her and Ty brought her home after work.
It was a good day. It was good to spend time with the boys again. I did feel guilty leaving Addison, though. Sure miss that little gal when she is not around!
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
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