Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Needless to say, I cooked tonight. :)

Patrick asked me when the next time we were going to eat at Nana's or Oma's house. I told him probably Easter and asked why and he said "because I really like their cooking." Then he went on to say he liked mine too..well, some of it...well, a few things. He is so good at trying to smooth things over when he realizes he has hurt your feelings. What he does not know is comments about my cooking don't phase me. I'm used to it. It's not my strong suit. What I love about Patrick is his observation. You don't even know he is paying attention but he is. For instance...Baskin Robbins. (I hope I have not told this story already on here...seems like I have, but don't want to take the time to go check because I need to get to bed). Anyway, we always go every year on the 1st and last day of school. and I always order the kid's stuff and they go sit with their friends and then I get mine. I get the same thing every time. Can anyone guess what I get? Here's a hint. It's only available at Baskin-Robbins. I was not aware that they (a) paid attention to what I got or (b) even knew the name of it. Well, I don't think Travis knew. But anyway, Ty took them one time to dollar scoop night and they asked if I wanted any and I said no. But, when they got home, Patrick walked in and handed me a cup of my "usual". I was stunned. How did he know? I can't even tell you how that affected me...but it touched me on so many levels. It's the kind of trait that is going to make some girl very happy someday. I asked him how he knew what I got and what it was called and he said "it's what you always get." and he said it like it was a no-brainer. I was just stunned.

anyway, that's one of the examples of 1 of the things that I love most about that little guy. The surprises he brings to my life.

and by the favorite? It's called "World Class Chocolate."

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