Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I made a friend at work. over the internet. Today was her last day. Story of my life.

I"m starting to sound like "Ziggy." LOL

Lina's for dinner. I just threatened to make cheeseburgers again and next thing I knew, we were at Lina's! ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump day. I don't know what it is about getting older and Wednesdays. I just DON'T want to get out of bed on hump day. The morning comes sooner, I think. I never used to even think twice about it being Wednesday. Now, every week, when that alarm sounds, I just KNOW it's Wednesday. I don't have that much trouble getting up any other day of the week. Don't know what it is about Wednesday...

What a day with my daughter. Or an evening, I should say. Yesterday, I took the potty seat to Mom's with Addison. Mom took her shopping and she picked out a new baby doll with a catch. She does not get the doll until she uses the potty. This was not just any doll. This was the super duper bath baby/potty baby with all the bath and potty accessories. Addison WANTED this doll. She HAD TO HAVE this doll. She was bursting with excitement over the thought of this doll. But she did not use the potty yesterday. She showed me the doll. She told me what it was for. She told me what she had to do to get it. she was Excited! But she did not go yesterday.

Today, I went to pick her up and she GOT THE DOLL! On the way home this morning, after dropping her off.. I thought to myself...should she get the doll just for going ONE time? I think not. But that was Mom's deal. I was not going to make the rules for it. But I thought "if she goes all day w/out an accident" would be a good incentive. But no, she went, and Mom gave her the doll. That must be a grandmother thing! Anyway, she "saved" it for me to show me and I looked inside and...

There were maybe 2 drops in there.

She was SO proud of herself. SO proud. for 2 drops. Mom said she sat there a LONG time. She WANTED that doll! I think her bladder finally said "just give her the damn doll" and let a couple of drops out! She was soooo proud! You should know that in the past, she has gone #2 in the potty, but never has done #1. This was a big deal. She did it! 2 whole drops.

When we got home, she spent a good hour at the kitchen sink, giving her new baby a bath and watching her "pee". She washed her over and over again. She was a proud mama! And when Ty got home, she had to give her another bath. That doll has to be the cleanest thing in our house now! (does not take much)

Also, she decided she wanted to comb MY hair for a change. So I got the squirt bottle (her hair has to be wet when you brush/comb it) and my brush and I sat on the floor and let her "style" my hair. She probably spent a good 30 minutes spraying and brushing my hair. So fun! She was so meticulous about it! Love that girl! She's going to be so much fun!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Went and checked out the new Aldi grocery store. You have to pay 25 cents for a cart. When you return the cart, you get your 25 cents back. pretty smart. It was mostly generic stuff...but prices were better than Walmart on the things I got. That was a nice surprise.

Kayla, Dalton, and Landon came over all afternoon and kept the kids busy, playing. They have such a good time playing together.

Took the kids to Rosa's for taco Tuesday for dinner.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Typical Monday. After school/work, Patrick had soccer practice. It was a gorgeous sunny day so I took Addison to the park while the boys practiced. She loves going to the park....loves to slide and swing. She really enjoyed it. She is at that age where everything is new and that stage! She just really makes your heart swell! Can't imagine life without her and the boys.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lazy day. Pancakes for breakfast. I made BBQ chicken in the crockpot for dinner.

I took Addison (and Patrick) to the store today and bought Addison a potty chair. It's time. She has shown signs for quite some time that she is ready but I guess I have just been putting it off...not sure why other than laziness. Anyway, we got home and Patrick put the seat together for her and then she sat down on it right in the middle of the kitchen. She sat there for quite awhile, but never went. Later she went in her diaper. But around 7, she sat on the potty (w/out telling anyone) and went! Yea!!

End of spring break. Back to school tomorrow.

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Wow...Addison did sleep all night! Until 8:30 a.m. AND she took a nap today. WOW! Guess she was worn out!

This evening Ty's cousins were going to visit Patsy so she invited everyone over to dinner. We went over there and met 2 of his cousins that he has not seen in over 20 years, apparently, Lee and David. They had a friend with them that lives in Austin. We had dinner and just talked. They were nice. Turns out one of them, Lee, has lived here for 5 years and we did not know it until Rex and Patsy went back for Rex's brother's funeral last month. So anyway, we had a good evening with the in-laws.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

AT&T. Where do I begin? It's a long story, but when we got home last night, our cable and internet were shut off. For some reason, when I pay AT&T through bill pay, they get the check and it sits there, unprocessed, long enough for them to cut off my service. This is the 3rd time. LAST WEEK they shut off the phone. Turns out, after I proved that I paid the bill on time, they had posted my payment to someone else's account. Now, everytime this happens, I have to spend MY time on the phone or internet with the bank and with AT&T and the burden of proof of payment is with me. It's a pain....a royal pain. and it's getting OLD. Last year, they turned it off when I had already paid the bill. They had the payment there, somewhere...and even after we got it staightened out, it was another 3 weeks or so before they processed the payment. Unbelieveable. Anyway, it happened again, so this morning I had to call yet again and deal with. Last night I had to call AT&T and then call the bank. The man at the bank was really nice...he made my emergency his priority. I was hoping to resolve the issue last night so that I could work this morning, but things did not happen quick enough. So, I missed the first 6 hours of my shift because of them. I ended up working until 8 p.m. and still did not finish (because kids were home). what a pain. The lady I talked to this a.m. was a real let's just say that she does not believe the customer is always right. Anyway, got it turned back on by around noon. I am going to call around and see what the cable companies charge for internet and then call AT&T and cancel the service. This can't keep happening. W/out the internet, I cannot work.

Anyway, because of the morning hours being shot for working Addison and I spent some time together this morning. Nana and Papa came and got the boys and took them to the driving range to hit some golf balls, so Addison and I made "cupcakes" (blueberry muffins) and played with her kitchen too. She made me a "pie" and some cookies. I held 4 oreos together, then got her knife and "cut them apart" (like the Pillsbury dough) and put them on her baking sheet and she cooked them up. When they were done, she brought me one "fresh from the oven."

What a cutie!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Addison was in my office looking at my Project Life book and commenting on several of the pictures and I knew that had to be my picture of the day!

Later, out of the blue, she said 99-5 the Wolf. I asked where she had heard that because that is the radio station I listen to and she said "In your car, mommy." She really is absorbing everything. I know kids do that, but it still always amazes me because you don't think they are paying attention to the details. That's awesome, baby!

Jake came over for the day. After Pep got here, I left and went to get catfish for (lent) dinner. Just relaxed after that. Addison did not take a nap and around 5ish got really fussy so I got her a bottle and put her in bed beside me and she fell asleep. As of 10:45 p.m., still asleep. Guess she is down for the night...but will be up early in the a.m. Better get to bed!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day. I forgot to wear green. I remembered what day it was when I got up, but did not remember when I was getting dressed.

Until I got on the train and saw all the green people were wearing.

I took the day off and while my Mom watched Addison, I took the boys and their friend to Dallas on the train. We went to West End and had lunch. BBQ. Sonny Bryan's Smokehouse. It really hit the spot. The restaurant was inside of what I suspect used to be a hotel. The entrance was really unique, had a great staircase. Love old architecture.

Anyway, from there, we went here.

Bodies, the Exhibition, in Dallas West End Marketplace.

I have to say, it was a facinating thing to see. At least for me. The boys...not so much. They got through it all pretty quick. Travis could not get past the fact that these were actual people. He had too much empathy for them. Patrick just thought it was gross and felt sick to his stomach. I guess it's not for everyone. I, on the other hand, found it facinating. The most surprising things for me were:
1. The bladder is so small. I'm sorry, but i KNOW my bladder holds more than the one on display. I know it stretches, but seriously? It was maybe the size of an apple.
2. The ear bones. I guess this surprised me the most. The incus, stapes, and malleus. The were SMALL. I can't emphasize this enough. They would fit inside a pea with room left over. They were minute. It's a good thing I'm not a surgeon..I would just think they were bone fragments. A chip off a bone. They were tiny.
3. The embryonic section. There were fetus' there...from 5 weeks up to term. The 8 week fetus...about the size of a pea. From 5 to 8 weeks, just looked like a blob. The 8 week, you could see through the sac and see the beginnings of a baby. But at 9 weeks, it was about 10x the size of the 8 week and could fit in the palm of your hand. Again, facinating to see the size of each. Heartbreaking to think they never made it to this world, but from a medical standpoint, facinating.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to anyone in the medical field, but it's not for the squeamish. I really thought the boys would like it...was a little surprised at their reaction and because of that, made me realize it's not for everyone.

They did not allow photography...which is probably best because I would have been there all day.

What I really liked is they had a lot of the stuff labeled. Individual muscles, bones, parts of organs, all labeled. Got to see all the stuff I have been typing about for 22 years.

We rode the train home, went to get Addison, but she was asleep, so left her and Ty brought her home after work.

It was a good day. It was good to spend time with the boys again. I did feel guilty leaving Addison, though. Sure miss that little gal when she is not around!

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2 of spring break 2010. The kids are bored out of their minds.

I got a giant heaping dose of reality today. Josh (F) invited Travis to spend the night. He was at the house most of the day. Josh is driving, but I did not worry about him wanting to drive Travis because he has not had his license a year and you have to have it a year before you can drive others.

well, that's what I thought anyway. Turns out, you can have 1 passenger that is not related to you.

I told him to check with Ty...and Ty said he could.

Wow...I'm so not ready for this. My kid and their friends driving. This time next year...they will all be driving.

I can remember when Travis was about 2 weeks old, I started worrying about him driving some day. and now it is here. hard to believe! Did my parents ever worry about me (the 3rd child) when I started driving? They never seemed like they did.

So not ready for all that is coming up this next year...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ty's socks. On the floor. I give up.

spring break...not so good so far. Patrick grounded. X-box stored away. Not much for the boys to do so they bug me all day...and Addison is home while I'm working to give my mom a break.

Thank Goodness I took a day off this week.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I finally did it. I cleaned our bedroom. Should not be a big deal, but it is. I cleaned everything off the bedroom floor, vacuumed it. Well, the dressers are not cleaned off. That's for another day. But I can see my carpet. That is a big deal. HUGE!

Maybe I'll get the dressers next weekend.

Travis told me awhile back he has not seen my bedroom clean during his lifetime. I must get a picture! :)

I can't believe I'm "saying this out loud."

It felt good!

If Ty's socks are on the floor in the morning, I'm liable to "kill" him!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This morning I was in the kitchen and the boys came out and went into the sunroom to play air hockey. That struck me as odd as it had been a long time since they had played air hockey together and also the fact that they got off the video games. As they played, Patrick got progressively madder and madder, as evidenced by the yelling and how hard he was hitting the puck. I was thinking to myself, " I need to tell him to calm down or he is going to end up breaking a window." I think most of those have been broken out at least once since we have lived here. Especially since we got the hockey table. Anyway, before I could even think twice or act on that thought, the game ended and Patrick ran out of the sunroom. Travis then came out saying something about the window and when I asked what he said, he said that Patrick broke a window. Wow, that gave me a chill. I told Travis that I had JUST told myself to tell him to calm down or he would break it. I was kinda weirded out by the fact that he did, about 30 seconds after I thought that.

Anyway, I called Ty and told him so he could calm down before he got home (he was at work). Patrick was crying...probably scared of the consequences. I just told him that he would probably have to help pay for it and left it at that.

Why do all these things always have to happen to Patrick? Granted, he was getting all worked up over a game, but still...yea, he probably brings it on himself, but still...he just can't get a break. (no pun intended). sigh...

Jake came over to spend the night with us this afternoon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fish day. Did not eat out...had fish sandwich at home...did not eat dinner at all. Today at 3:15 marks the beginning of spring break 2010. I went ahead and requested next Wednesday off so the boys will be able to go do SOMEthing during their break. Not sure what, yet, but something.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Patrick had a soccer game today, but I emailed his coach and told him that if Patrick did not complete his homework that is due tomorrow before game time, he would not be at the game. He did finish, in the nick of time, and got to play. It as sprinkling on our way to the Keller fields where they were playing tonight. Addison and I stayed in the car for the whole game because I did not want her to get out in the mud. On the way home, I took Patrick and Addison to Rosa's. It reminded me of the nights that we would take Travis to CCD at church and then go eat, just the 2 of us, before I had Addison. I miss that 1 on 1 time with Patrick. I think he still needs it. NOTE TO SELF: Make some time to spend with Patrick.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Needless to say, I cooked tonight. :)

Patrick asked me when the next time we were going to eat at Nana's or Oma's house. I told him probably Easter and asked why and he said "because I really like their cooking." Then he went on to say he liked mine too..well, some of it...well, a few things. He is so good at trying to smooth things over when he realizes he has hurt your feelings. What he does not know is comments about my cooking don't phase me. I'm used to it. It's not my strong suit. What I love about Patrick is his observation. You don't even know he is paying attention but he is. For instance...Baskin Robbins. (I hope I have not told this story already on here...seems like I have, but don't want to take the time to go check because I need to get to bed). Anyway, we always go every year on the 1st and last day of school. and I always order the kid's stuff and they go sit with their friends and then I get mine. I get the same thing every time. Can anyone guess what I get? Here's a hint. It's only available at Baskin-Robbins. I was not aware that they (a) paid attention to what I got or (b) even knew the name of it. Well, I don't think Travis knew. But anyway, Ty took them one time to dollar scoop night and they asked if I wanted any and I said no. But, when they got home, Patrick walked in and handed me a cup of my "usual". I was stunned. How did he know? I can't even tell you how that affected me...but it touched me on so many levels. It's the kind of trait that is going to make some girl very happy someday. I asked him how he knew what I got and what it was called and he said "it's what you always get." and he said it like it was a no-brainer. I was just stunned.

anyway, that's one of the examples of 1 of the things that I love most about that little guy. The surprises he brings to my life.

and by the favorite? It's called "World Class Chocolate."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Steak N Shake. for dinner. $30. for all of us to food. Buyer's remorse. I will forever think of SteakNShake and think of my Dad (always ate there first thing upon arriving in St. Louis) and Donna calling me from her cell phone to tell me she was there when cell phones were still new. Now we have them here where we live. and it's good, but it's not $30. good. Eating out is no longer a guilt-free thing. Is it because there are more mouths to feed that it costs more? No...Addison and I shared a meal. Is it because Travis no longer gets kids' meals? And Patrick didn't either. I don't know...when the $ is tighter, it just puts things in perspective. and $30 for burgers and fries = buyer's remorse. Funny how you take things for granted when you have $$ to spend.

and all that time we had money...I had no idea we had it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Texas Public School Week. We had open house for Pat's school tonight. The boys and I walked up to the school. Addison and Ty drove and met us there. For awhile, Travis started jogging (Patrick rode his "Big Wheel"). I started jogging since they got so far ahead of me. OH. MY. GOD. I am so out of shape it's not even funny. Not even close. As SOON as I started running, it felt like my shins were on fire. Not a slow onset. Not "eventually they started hurting." The very. first. step. FIRE. I kept going, thinking I could get through it, but finally stopped because it did not get better.

One of my work accounts now has a vascular surgeon. He talks alot about claudication. I've learned a LOT about vascular disease from this account. I actually looked up claudication when I first started because although I have typed the word a million times, I could not give a definite definition. Wikipedia says "Intermittent vascular claudication (Latin: claudicatio intermittens) usually refers to cramping pains in the legs (usually the calf muscles, but may be in the thigh muscles) caused by poor circulation of the blood in the arteries to the leg muscles during exercise.[2][3] True claudication is relieved with rest from exercise." There have been times that I have gone for walks, just since Addison was born, where if I try to walk faster than my regular pace, my shins/calves stiffen up and start to feel heavy. Do I have claudication? Then I ask myself, "how could I NOT have some sort of vascular or heart disease?" Sedentary job, sedentary life, no exercise, very poor diet. How am I even still alive? I had my blood work done after I had Addison and my cholesterol is low and my HDL and LDL levels are great and all that. But CLEARLY I'm out of shape. REALLY out of shape. I don't think I could jog to the end of the block to save my life. I can easily walk for long distances...but that's about it. TIME TO GET OFF MY BUTT AND DO SOMETHING. I want to see my kids grow up. I've been blessed with good metabolism and have gotten to do and eat whatever I want my whole life, but 3 kids and 40 lbs's caught up to me. Time to fight back. Now to make the time....

But back to open house...Ty and I had a chance to talk with Patrick's teacher. We are concerned about his lack of effort in school this year. I need to figure out a way to motivate him...make him like school. I just don't know how to get through to him. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears!

Sunday March 7, 2010

Hoarder. Such a "dirty" sounding word. No pun intended. But my house is out of control and it's driving me nuts and I'm not doing anything about it. I keep a running list in my head of what needs to be done but it's so overwhelming that I just do nothing. I just need to get rid of stuff. I don't even need to sort into donate and keep piles...just throw it all out. I know I need to do that. But I don't. and I don't know why I don't. I just need to pick a room and do it. I have so many old kids clothes that need to go. I keep saying I'm going to put them in the Just Between Friends sale, but it's a lot of time-consuming effort and would probably take $100. in printer ink to print out all the tags, so I just don't do it.

I need to. Soon. Before I go nuts.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ty went to work his a.m. Patrick had a soccer game this afternoon. Nana, Papa, and Donna and Gary all came to the game. Addie took a nap after the game and I went to the store and to Michael's (just to browse). I was going to get those $1. spiral notebooks with initials on for each of us, so we could start doing a journal (favorite things) from that article I posted here earlier in the week, but they did not have any. I'll keep checking. They used to have them pretty much everytime I went in.

Got a lot of laundry folded today, and dishes done, but nothing around the house that made a visible difference. I'm so tired of the mess and clutter. It just drains me. and I look around and don't know where to start - or I start and get sidetracked and end up doing a little bit in lots of places, but nothing that makes a visible difference. Drives me nuts.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I emailed Pat's teacher this a.m. and told her he did not do his homework and to keep him in from recess and punish him how she saw fit. When I got back from taking everyone this a.m., I got a phone call from Patrick. She made him call me to tell me he did not do it, and that he did not do it because he is lazy. He started to cry. I told him I hope he has learned a lesson from this. She told him he WILL do it this weekend and turn it in on Monday. It counts as 2 grades. I realized during the phone call that he was calling me in front of the whole class...and crying in front of the whole class. Poor guy...sure hope he has learned something here. He did bring it all on himself, but as his Mom, I feel for him. I did not realize she would humiliate him in front of the whole class. Sure hope the lesson is not lost on him. He did say later that 3 others did not do it and had to call home, too.

Travis had a couple of friends over after school. Ty brought some catfish home and I fried it up for (lent) dinner. Jared Hall ate with us. Probably went home hungry because Ty did not know he was eating with us and did not buy enough. Everyone had a filet, but they were small and I'm sure they could have all eaten more.

Thursday, 3/4/10

Patrick had soccer practice tonight and I had a board meeting for PTA, so I dropped him off at the park and went over to the meeting. Addison came with me, Trav stayed home. Ty was at work. He picked Patrick up after practice. Came home, made dinner, finished working, went to bed. Story of my life. Oh, and Patrick did not do his homework project that is due tomorrow. I have a feeling there will be a life lesson for him tomorrow at school....

Wednesday, 3/3/10

Mom and Dad got back today and Mom wanted to come get Addison. I tried to tell her she needed a nap and could stay home but she came over anyway...and Addison did not want to go with her...she ran and got in bed and said she was taking a nap. And she did. I had to wake her to get the boys. Sorry Mom...she'll see you tomorrow!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

why did i get married? Oh yea...I remember!


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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here's Becky Higgins, talking about her Project Life company and how it came to be....

When Christine Carter became a parent, she realized that her work as a sociologist who studies happiness gave her a head start on being a good and happy parent. Rather than trying to solve problems in her family, she wanted to prevent them. That got her wondering what makes for happy families and children. The result of that questioning is Raising Happiness (Ballantine Books).

The book is chock-full of words—gratitude, forgiveness, optimism, and inner peace—I associate more with meditation than parenting manuals. But it's not at all woo-woo. Carter grounds her path to happiness in solid science, including behavioral psychology, which explains why praise is much more powerful in getting children to behave than punishment or nagging. Many of the findings are surprisingly simple. For instance, would you like to know the one thing that will make children do better in school, help them have fewer emotional problems, and make them less likely to become obese or have drug or alcohol problems? Eat dinner together as a family.

Science and simplicity in the service of happier families: That sounds like a winner. So I called up Carter, executive director of the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California-Berkeley, and asked her how I could start making my own family happier.

She said to start off by asking two questions about your life as a parent:

1. When are you happiest with your kids?

2. What part of the normal day with your family routinely causes suffering?

Then make sure your day is structured so that you get routine, habitual happiness and so that you're eliminating habitual pain.

Carter says that when she asked herself the second question, she realized that she hated getting her two daughters out the door for school. "Every single morning I was yelling at my kids [at] approximately the same time and for the same reason," she says.

So she decided to restructure those mornings so they'd be a shared joy, or at least neutral. The science of changing habits says you have to start off supersmall and build over weeks to a bigger result. So she had the kids put their shoes by the door the night before. In the morning, "I ended up setting a timer," Carter says. "It goes off twice. The first time it goes off, it means clear your dishes and go brush your teeth. The second is walk out the door to the bus." By the next morning, she says, "we didn't have such a bad morning. We had taken the first step."

Just as she changed the family's daily routine to make that one stressful period less miserable, Carter also focused on amplifying the moment that gives her the most joy in parenting. "For me, the most joy always comes at the end of the day when I'm putting the kids to bed" and they're telling me about their three good things [that happened in the day]. That's my most luscious thing, the thing I enjoy the most." To make sure that she didn't miss out on that moment when she had to work in the evenings, "we just moved [that bedtime routine] to after school. They sit on the couch with me and cuddle, and we read a book and they tell me about their three good things."

Carter says that despite her deep knowledge of the science of happiness, she doesn't always do the right thing as a parent. "It's part of the journey, an incremental improvement process. But it's amazing to me how much this stuff works when you have the intention to have a happier morning," she says.

That's my challenge for the week: Make a happy moment with my child part of our routine, and engineer out one annoying bit of parenting. And I challenge you do to the same, too. What will be your happiness moment? What suffering will you avoid?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another day with Addison home..actually got more done today than yesterday. Mom and Dad will be back tomorrow. They went to their land. I have mixed feelings about them moving away, but I guess that is to be expected. I have never not lived close to them. It will be weird.

Tonight was the Cici's fundraiser for soccer. Margie asked if we wanted to meet her, but before I responded, I asked Ty if he wanted to go and surprise, he did. So, I told her we could not go with them (they were going at 5, Ty does not get off until 7). She said "when he calls you to cancel, we'll be here." Well, at about 6-ish he called and said he was tired and was just going to go home. I said he was not going home because we did not go with Margie so we could go with him. Anyway, then I heard the line was out the door at Cici's so we ended up meeting him at Lina's. So much for a fundraiser. But from what I heard, they raised plenty. There is another one next month. We'll be meeting Margie at 5 for that one. :)

Today I heard Addison say "Oh my God" and I corrected her and said "oh my Gosh" and she said "oh my God" and I said "Oh my Gosh" and she said "oh my God" and I said "oh my gosh" and she sat there for a minute and then said "Holy Cow!" :)

Then we were at Lina's and she asked for ketchup. She only had a little bowl with her food in it, no room for ketchup, so I put some on her placemat. She got very upset with me and said she did not WANT it on her placement. She sat there and looked at the ketchup and then said "damit".

Great....she even says it in context.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wow, already March! Hard to believe. Time to get caught up on PLife. I'll do that on Saturday. I printed out some more pictures...need to go back and see what I need and print them too.

anyway, Today was interesting. Mom and Dad were out of town, so Addison stayed home with me today. She was pretty good too. I managed to get more done than I thought I could with her, which tells me she is not a baby anymore. She is so smart...just amazes me everyday.

Travis and Patrick are smart too, were smart babies. I was not amazed with Travis, though because I did not have anything to compare him to and did not realize how smart he was. I do have something to compare her to, and I'm amazed everyday at how smart she is. It's scary sometimes.

Kayla came over today and played with her after school. I was able to get more of my work done while she was here, so that was great. Addison just loves Kayla. She asks about her on a regular basis. Kayla is so good with her too.