Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Headed home today. Stopped at a place called Uncle Bill's for breakfast (after getting lost) and then headed out for home.

It was a LONG. RIDE. HOME. I will have to say, this was Addison's worst car trip ever. Most of the way she was fussy. Part of the way it was just flat out nonstop screaming. At one point even I yelled at her to shut up. It was annoying to everyone. She finally fell alseep, though.

oh, and on the way home we saw a UFO. LOL Long story. Basically there was a red light that stayed beside our car for a good hour. Disappeared for good when we hit the Texas border. Guess it was an Oklahoma UFO. :) At first I blew it off, but after awhile I really started to wonder what it was. just because we never passed it. Everything else on the horizon passed the car and was behind us. This stayed even with us for an hour. and it was NOT a plane.

Anyway...LONG trip home, but we made it, dropped off Nathan at a friend's apt., took Donna home, and went home.

Oh, left a pillow there....with the race car pillowcase that Mom made the boys. Hopefully someone will find it and it did not fall out of the back of the car unseen when we opened it. I'm guessing Pat took it in Tina's house on Tuesday night, but I really don't remember. oh well...

Patrick missed "meet the Teacher" night. Ms. Luppy said we could come by and see her tomorrow. He is really exciting about getting her for a teacher. I'm excited for him! It's going to be a good year!

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