Day 2 of vacation. Got up and went to IHOP again...only this time went to the one closer to us. While we were there, this elderly couple said what a cutie Addison is and then asked me if she was my granddaughter. WHAT? I just laughed and said "No, she's my DAUGHTER. Jeesh, do I look THAT old? Oh well, I knew that day was coming!
I asked Patrick what his favorite part of the zoo was yesterday. He said the bears. Travis also liked the Bears. Ty liked the bald eagles. Addison liked the train ride and feeding the giraffes. She said she did not like the monkeys because they would not let her pet them. :)
so, since my camera broke yesterday at the zoo (did I mention that yesterday, I don't remember), we went to a camera shop to see if it could be fixed while we waited...but it was not meant to be. They said it would be $290. to fix that that was about what the camera was worth. I told him we were from out of town so if I fix it, I would do so in town. So now I have to decide...fix or replace? Anyway, guess it's the cell phone camera for the rest of the trip. I was bummed but determined not to let it ruin my vacation. I promised Ty if he took me to the shop and it could not be fixed, I would not mention it the rest of the trip.
So, off we went to Pike's Peak. We decided to drive up it again . We saw this funny sign on the way up...
It says "Due to sightings in the area of a creature resembling bigfoot, this sign has been posted for your security." I could not believe my eyes. Are they kidding?
Anyway, so up we start up the mountain. If you have ever been on this little journey, you might have an idea of what I'm about to say. The drive starts out really nice and scenic. Then you start to get higher and higher...and before you know are on a slow-moving roller coaster like ride. If you look out your side window, all you see is straight road. There are hairpin turns where you can't see the road in front of you. It's a little nerve wrecking but kinda fun and very beautiful views. However, today there was a storm coming in. And we did not know it. So when we got further up...we were driving in the clouds. Which meant you could not see the road. Had Ty not been the driver...I would have been really nervous. But I knew he is a good drive and he had done it before, so I did not worry.
This is driving in the clouds....
and this before the clouds, but above the timberline....
so, we continue on and get to the top. We get the kids out of the car, go into the gift shop...and notice a light snow falling on the way in. Cool! Snow in August. I noticed a little bit of a headache...which I experienced last time we were here in 2004...from the altitude. No big deal. I popped one of the kids Tylenol chewables.
We go in, the boys to go the bathroom...they come out and I ask them to watch Addie, and I soon as I come out, Ty says in a panicky voice
Come on, we have to leave...NOW.
A hail storm has moved in and they made an announcement to leave now or risk being stuck.
I think "a hail storm is coming" I did not realize until we stepped outside that the hail storm was here...the ground was COVERED in it, and we got pelted with pea sized hail all the way to the car. And have you tried to run at 14,000 feet after being a transcriptionist for 22 years? Not an easy task. and the hail hurt! and I'm thinking to myself...It's HAILING. Driving down this mountain is intimidating enough when the ground is dry...and he wants to drive on ICE? Is he NUTS? If the car slides off the's going straight down...about 14,000 feet straight down. NOW I'm scared. and I'm getting sick to my stomach. And my head is pounding. and I'm thinking....well, at least I won't think about the pictures I don't get to take because the visibility is zero. Glad I have been here before and got pictures that time. My only regret is not getting a picture on the bench that has the year on it...with Addison in the family now.
So...we go down and we got to the point where they check your brakes, and we are in a wait of about 6 or 7 cars and I hop out of the car and walk to the gift shop because I'm about to be sick. I asked them where the bathrooms are and they were around back...GREAT...hope I make it. So, I trot around back and the second I got in the stall (w/ the door still open), i projectile puke all over...and over...and over...and over. I did not throw up that much with all 3 pregnancies combined. Won't be having IHOP again anytime soon. I don't know how long I was in there...but even after I was done, I did not feel too much better. I still felt nauseous and dizzy and had a headache.
Went back to find the guys, asked for some bottled water, and went back to the car and put my head on the console and did not move until we got back to the hotel. Ty ended up going for some dinner and bringing it back and it was a good 2 hours before I could even sit up.
Can you say "Altitude/car sickness?" Wow...I feel like such a wimp.
and not 1 single picture on the top. sniff, sniff! oh well...have to make another trip. I will HAVE to go back someday. I can't let the mountain beat me.
and while the boys were in the bathroom at the gift shop, I decided I was going to splurge and buy everyone a T-shirt or even a hoodie for the boys, even though the prices are outrageous, just because we never buy them any souveniers on vacation...i was going to this time...and then did not get to because we had to leave...
We heard that someone said that was the most hail on Pikes Peak in decades. Someone said about 2 inches in about 10 minutes.
this is how much accumulated while we were in the bathroom....there was none when we parked. If you look at the car on the right side of the photo, you can see it coming down...hard and fast!
What a day!! :)