Went to soccer game, but it was a forfeit (we "won"). We stayed and had the kids play against each other. So, then talked to the coach. He said he hopes Pat signs up and that Travis could help him with the coaching...Today is last day to sign up. So, of course i forgot to go sign him up until it was too late. Fortunately, they have online sign ups and I got him signed up.
took a long nap this afternoon...all of us did. Well, ty, addie, and i.
Josh F came over to see the boys. Have not seen him in months.
Went to dinner with Donna...rest went to races.
Ty and I are both off this coming week. Trying to decide if we are going out of town.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, 07/30/2010
Worked, walked. Mom came and picked up Addison today.
Went to get her after work. Travis came so we could sign him up for driver's ed. We tried earlier this year but went to where the web said the address was and the place was no longer there. So, we found where it is now and when we got there, it was a "Ye Olde Curiousity Shoppe". It looked like "Fred Sanford's place" (think Sanford and Son). Anyway, there was a sign on the door saying that they were moving, closed until Monday, and a # to call. Travis called and he said he is working out of the library now because they are not in their new place yet. This was at 5 p.m. on Friday. Travis asked where the new place would be and he said he did not know, but he would be open Monday. Huh?? Anyway, we left and decided to try the place where his friends have taken Dr. Ed. in Keller. This Hurst thing seems to rinky-dink.
Ty worked late again. We ordered pizza at 10:30.
Went to get her after work. Travis came so we could sign him up for driver's ed. We tried earlier this year but went to where the web said the address was and the place was no longer there. So, we found where it is now and when we got there, it was a "Ye Olde Curiousity Shoppe". It looked like "Fred Sanford's place" (think Sanford and Son). Anyway, there was a sign on the door saying that they were moving, closed until Monday, and a # to call. Travis called and he said he is working out of the library now because they are not in their new place yet. This was at 5 p.m. on Friday. Travis asked where the new place would be and he said he did not know, but he would be open Monday. Huh?? Anyway, we left and decided to try the place where his friends have taken Dr. Ed. in Keller. This Hurst thing seems to rinky-dink.
Ty worked late again. We ordered pizza at 10:30.
Thursday, 07/29/2010
Worked, walked. Ty worked late, did not come home until 10ish. Trying to tie up loose ends before he is off next week. I took the kiddos to Cici's for dinner.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Worked, walked. that's about it...Went to NRH20 tonight...just for a couple of hours. Addison rode the orange and yellow slides, went to Froggenstein, lazy river, then wanted to do the tube slides, so we did those twice. She loves them! I still get nervous going on them!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lazy day. Showered, make bacon/eggs and bb muffins for breakfast, by then it was noon so I put Addie down and fell asleep myself. Got up and went to grocery store, then made dinner early (no lunch) and had planned to go to water park this evening, but it was an hour until close by the time we finished eating and clean-up.
back to the grind tomorrow.
back to the grind tomorrow.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Got up and got myself and Addison ready for Pat's soccer game and met them out there (he stayed at Michael's last night). This was a playoff game and they played the same team they played last Wedneday. It was 8-0 this time. We lost. We have 1 more game next Saturday and then we are done. The coach wants him to play on their outdoor rec team but we have not signed up yet. He says he wants to play.
This evening Donna and I took Addie and went to HLobby and then to eat. We used a Groupon that I had bought for Garliq. It was good...okay. They had a really good appetizer which was like a breadstick filled with cheese and meatballs. It was really good. Served w/ marinara. I could eat just those for a meal and be fine. We also ordered a bacon pizza....they burned some of the bacon on it...just a tad overcooked, but otherwise good. Addie had spaghetti. All in all, pretty good. We got cheesecake to go...I have not eaten mine yet. The groupon was for $25 of food for $10, so we got a pretty good deal. But if I wanted pizza, I'd go to Bosses first.
This evening Donna and I took Addie and went to HLobby and then to eat. We used a Groupon that I had bought for Garliq. It was good...okay. They had a really good appetizer which was like a breadstick filled with cheese and meatballs. It was really good. Served w/ marinara. I could eat just those for a meal and be fine. We also ordered a bacon pizza....they burned some of the bacon on it...just a tad overcooked, but otherwise good. Addie had spaghetti. All in all, pretty good. We got cheesecake to go...I have not eaten mine yet. The groupon was for $25 of food for $10, so we got a pretty good deal. But if I wanted pizza, I'd go to Bosses first.
Friday, July whatever, 2010 :)
Worked. Went to Bosses pizza buffet for lunch w/ Margie and kids. Addie slept about 4 hours after that! Yea!
Tonight Dad's cousin Keith was in town so Addie and I went over there after she woke up and visited with him for awhile. He is on his way to the Air Show in Osh Kosh and is going to Grandpa's tomorrow and will take him on with him. Grandpa is going to fly in some plane that he flew in the war, or that his brother flew in the war...not sure which..or maybe both. Anyway, he is really excited about it. He mentioned it when I called him on his birthday. I have been hoping since Grandpa passed away that he could be convinced to go again to Osh Kosh and finally this year he decided to go. Thanks so much to Keith for taking him!!
Patrick ended up spending the night with Michael.
Tonight Dad's cousin Keith was in town so Addie and I went over there after she woke up and visited with him for awhile. He is on his way to the Air Show in Osh Kosh and is going to Grandpa's tomorrow and will take him on with him. Grandpa is going to fly in some plane that he flew in the war, or that his brother flew in the war...not sure which..or maybe both. Anyway, he is really excited about it. He mentioned it when I called him on his birthday. I have been hoping since Grandpa passed away that he could be convinced to go again to Osh Kosh and finally this year he decided to go. Thanks so much to Keith for taking him!!
Patrick ended up spending the night with Michael.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Worked. Walked. Mom picked up Addie around 10.
Lunch: Took off, picked up Michael and took boys to lunch at Braums (Travis' idea). Then dropped Travis off at Ryans, brought Patrick and Michael back to the house, and finished working.
Took Michael home, picked up Addie, took her and Pat to grocery store, came home, made catfish, baked potatoes, corn, salad.
Took Travis back to Ryan's to spend night.
Cleaned kitchen.
Updated blog.
Lunch: Took off, picked up Michael and took boys to lunch at Braums (Travis' idea). Then dropped Travis off at Ryans, brought Patrick and Michael back to the house, and finished working.
Took Michael home, picked up Addie, took her and Pat to grocery store, came home, made catfish, baked potatoes, corn, salad.
Took Travis back to Ryan's to spend night.
Cleaned kitchen.
Updated blog.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Worked and walked. Patrick had a soccer game tonight, so met Ty there. When we arrived, Margie was telling me we were playing the team that was in 1st place in the league and they had only been scored on 8 times all season. I told her "well if we even score once, then, we will consider it a victory." Well, about 2 minutes later, Patrick scored!! YEA!! But, as the game progressed, he got a yellow card, a blue card, (had to sit out for 2 minutes for that one) another yellow card...and the other team scored 10 times. Game ended, 10-1. Buy hey...Patrick gave us a victory!!! :)
Came home, made dinner (Ty grilled steaks, I made Baked Potatoes and corn and rolls), then cleaned up and off to bed.
Oh, Ty and Addie were in the backyard and I went out there and the Vulture was out....
Came home, made dinner (Ty grilled steaks, I made Baked Potatoes and corn and rolls), then cleaned up and off to bed.
Oh, Ty and Addie were in the backyard and I went out there and the Vulture was out....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Worked today. Did not walk. Did not walk yesterday, Probably first time since about March that I did not walk on a weekday. Just not up to it. Felt good enough that I could get out of bed and work, but still felt puny. I ate some toast for breakfast...felt a LITTLE better, but then had soup for lunch and my stomach started churning again. Ugh. Had to go lay down a couple of times, too, today. But surprisingly, finished my full day of work by 5:30.
I took Addison outside to play this evening since she has been cooped up for 2 days now and she rode the 4-wheeler (her size), the trike, the Fusion scooter, and the Rip Rider. Then she went out back and found the watering can and stayed out there until she managed to soak herself. Watered all blades of grass, I believe! oh, and the Vulture was out tonight while we were out there. I am going to have to give him a name. Got any ideas? Leave me a comment and help me name him/her!
Probably PBJ for dinner for me...then to bed.
I took Addison outside to play this evening since she has been cooped up for 2 days now and she rode the 4-wheeler (her size), the trike, the Fusion scooter, and the Rip Rider. Then she went out back and found the watering can and stayed out there until she managed to soak herself. Watered all blades of grass, I believe! oh, and the Vulture was out tonight while we were out there. I am going to have to give him a name. Got any ideas? Leave me a comment and help me name him/her!
Probably PBJ for dinner for me...then to bed.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ugh. . Woke up feeling sick this morning. I checked and there were only a few jobs so I just went back to bed. I got up a little bit later and emailed my boss that I was sick and would get on if I could, and went back to bed. I only worked about an hour all day, and spent the rest of the day in bed. Sleeping. No TV. I was sick! :) stomach bug. I'll leave it at that.
Yesterday, when coming home from Mom's, Addison fell asleep around 7 and then slept all night. AND took a nap with me today. For about 3 hours. Wow!
Yesterday, when coming home from Mom's, Addison fell asleep around 7 and then slept all night. AND took a nap with me today. For about 3 hours. Wow!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, july 18, 2010
Patrick had a soccer game today. He scored the first 2 goals, then got another one later. We tied, 6-6. He also got mad and knocked down someone from the other team (a girl, no less). NOT cool. Anyway, after that, we came home for a little while then headed to Mom's for Keith's birthday celebration, a.k.a. cake and ice cream. Mom actually had cooked food so we ate too, which was good because we did not have lunch. Visited with everyone for awhile then came home and lazed around the rest of the day. Surprise. Addison was asleep when we got home..as of 9 she is still asleep. Hope she is down for the night. Patrick went to Michael's on the way home. He is still not home at nine. I'm expecting the "can I spend the night" call anytime now.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Today was Michael's birthday party, so I took Patrick over there and also Addison. I let her get in the kiddy pool...Eric (Michael's dad) let her get in the big pool for a little while. Anyway, we left when the food came out and I showered again since I sat outside for an hour or so and sweat. After that, got Addison into some dry clothes and she took a nap. I did some dishes, some laundry, caught up on this blog and did some Project Life stuff...yet another lazy Sat.
I think I will take Addie to the water park tomorrow. it was HOT today.
Boys raced tonight. Addie REALLY wanted to go and I ended up tagging along so she could go. Travis won his heat. But, as it turns out, he hit another car and they black flagged him, so he came in last. He did not do it on purpose. but the guy got mad and hit him, so they black flagged the other guy too.
Feature race, he came in 2nd. He did really well tonight. I was proud of him.
I think I will take Addie to the water park tomorrow. it was HOT today.
Boys raced tonight. Addie REALLY wanted to go and I ended up tagging along so she could go. Travis won his heat. But, as it turns out, he hit another car and they black flagged him, so he came in last. He did not do it on purpose. but the guy got mad and hit him, so they black flagged the other guy too.
Feature race, he came in 2nd. He did really well tonight. I was proud of him.
Friday, 7/16/10
Worked all day. Did not take kids to lunch. Patrick had spent night with Michael last night and was still over there. Since I actually went to the store last night I just went ahead and ate something here.
oh, and PBJs for dinner. I've pretty much not cooked on Friday night in months.
oh, and PBJs for dinner. I've pretty much not cooked on Friday night in months.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I worked...and walked...and guess who came back today??? There IS wildlife after all!
I almost did not get the picture. Well, that's a bit dramatic. I saw him...stopped dead in my tracks, and went back to the house to get the camera. I could not find it in the 2 places I normally put it (surprise, surprise), so I thought, "It's probably still in the car." So I opened the front door to go look and in comes our cat, Dee-Dee. Now you have to know that Dee-Dee likes to sit at the front door in the morning and meow. LOUD. So loud, in fact, that she wakes us up (our room is right by the front door. Something I will NEVER let happen again. I hate having it by the front door). So, she comes in and I think "She is going to wake up Addison (who is in my bed asleep)" so I grab her and take her to the laundry room. Only I don't pull the door all the way closed. and I go out the front door to look for the camera. Which, by the way, is not there. So, I go back in (is the vulture still there now?) and there's Addison...petting DeeDee. Remind me to kick that cat. (not really... I would not do that, but DON'T wake a sleeping child...especially in MY house. Ugh.). So, I go back to my office and there's the camera, buried under Scrapbook supplies. What a shock. So I get it, put the telephoto lens on, and go back out, after telling Addison to go back and lay down (yea, right Mom). So, I go back out and I take about 50 pictures. Yes, after ALL that, he was still there, waiting for me! :) It looked like he had some stuff stuck to his feathers and blowing in the wind, but when I looked through the lens, it looks like it is part of his feathers...only it looked like it was really soft and...well, just looked strange to me. It's that stuff under his neck in the photos. Not sure what it is...
anyway, he cooperated and I got some good pictures this time.
Yea! There is still wildlife!!
See, when your life is as boring as mine...it's the little things like this that just make your day!!
I'm excited about a vulture. That's just sad!! :)

I almost did not get the picture. Well, that's a bit dramatic. I saw him...stopped dead in my tracks, and went back to the house to get the camera. I could not find it in the 2 places I normally put it (surprise, surprise), so I thought, "It's probably still in the car." So I opened the front door to go look and in comes our cat, Dee-Dee. Now you have to know that Dee-Dee likes to sit at the front door in the morning and meow. LOUD. So loud, in fact, that she wakes us up (our room is right by the front door. Something I will NEVER let happen again. I hate having it by the front door). So, she comes in and I think "She is going to wake up Addison (who is in my bed asleep)" so I grab her and take her to the laundry room. Only I don't pull the door all the way closed. and I go out the front door to look for the camera. Which, by the way, is not there. So, I go back in (is the vulture still there now?) and there's Addison...petting DeeDee. Remind me to kick that cat. (not really... I would not do that, but DON'T wake a sleeping child...especially in MY house. Ugh.). So, I go back to my office and there's the camera, buried under Scrapbook supplies. What a shock. So I get it, put the telephoto lens on, and go back out, after telling Addison to go back and lay down (yea, right Mom). So, I go back out and I take about 50 pictures. Yes, after ALL that, he was still there, waiting for me! :) It looked like he had some stuff stuck to his feathers and blowing in the wind, but when I looked through the lens, it looks like it is part of his feathers...only it looked like it was really soft and...well, just looked strange to me. It's that stuff under his neck in the photos. Not sure what it is...
anyway, he cooperated and I got some good pictures this time.
Yea! There is still wildlife!!
See, when your life is as boring as mine...it's the little things like this that just make your day!!
I'm excited about a vulture. That's just sad!! :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to my favorite brother, Keith. Stinks to get old, but beats the alternative, I guess!
No groceries in the house, so went to Lina's for dinner. Like how that works. Then went went to the Go-Kart track and Ty and boys all rode once and then they closed.
Patrick played with Dalton and Landon today and yesterday. It's been a while. Not sure why...they are right next door!
No groceries in the house, so went to Lina's for dinner. Like how that works. Then went went to the Go-Kart track and Ty and boys all rode once and then they closed.
Patrick played with Dalton and Landon today and yesterday. It's been a while. Not sure why...they are right next door!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Worked. Walked. No wildlife. Guess it all died. :(
Took Travis, Matt, Jared, and Seth to HHarbor. Patrick seemed to be over it. We had a long talk about how Travis is going to be driving and working w/in the next year and doing more and more w/out Pat and then moving out and going to college and that it is inevitable and Pat needs to accept that. He said he knew it was coming and how hard it was going to be not having Trav around. I actually felt sorry for him. We went to lunch on the way home and had a nice "Taco Tuesday" lunch at Rosa's and then went to Family Video and rented him a game. Ty picked the boys up on his way home from work and then they all spent the night at Jared's.
Took Travis, Matt, Jared, and Seth to HHarbor. Patrick seemed to be over it. We had a long talk about how Travis is going to be driving and working w/in the next year and doing more and more w/out Pat and then moving out and going to college and that it is inevitable and Pat needs to accept that. He said he knew it was coming and how hard it was going to be not having Trav around. I actually felt sorry for him. We went to lunch on the way home and had a nice "Taco Tuesday" lunch at Rosa's and then went to Family Video and rented him a game. Ty picked the boys up on his way home from work and then they all spent the night at Jared's.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Worked late...out of work at 6 a.m. Walked.
Travis planned a day out at Hurricane Harbor with friends. Patrick found out and was furious that he was not getting to go. I was just dropping them off and not staying there (had to work) so I did not want him to go and Travis needed a "Travis day." That does not happen often. Patrick was MAD and took it out on me. What a little _______. Then he went and told Travis "Either you do something for me or I will bug Mom so bad that NOBODY will get to go." Can you see the steam coming off my head? :)
I don't think Pat will EVER go to Hurricane Harbor....
Travis planned a day out at Hurricane Harbor with friends. Patrick found out and was furious that he was not getting to go. I was just dropping them off and not staying there (had to work) so I did not want him to go and Travis needed a "Travis day." That does not happen often. Patrick was MAD and took it out on me. What a little _______. Then he went and told Travis "Either you do something for me or I will bug Mom so bad that NOBODY will get to go." Can you see the steam coming off my head? :)
I don't think Pat will EVER go to Hurricane Harbor....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Not much going on today. I watched a couple of movies I had recorded during "free HBO weekend" on Uverse last week or the week before. I did NOT go to the grocery store like I should have. If I don't go on the weekend, it usually does not get done. We will be running out of food before the end of the week, too. Did some laundry.
That's all I remember. Writing this on Thursday.
That's all I remember. Writing this on Thursday.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Did I mention it has rained here most of the week? Did I mention I actually walked in the rain one morning this week. Well, like a misty rain...but rain nonetheless. Did I mention that my tennis shoes that I have worn since before I was pregnant are now strictly my walking shoes because of all the wet grass clippings that cling to my feet when I walk?
Addison and I went to Michaels today in Hurst to buy a Martha Stewart Score Board.
I had to have this. Then I got it home and used it once, on scratch paper, and thought "now WHY did I need this?" I don't do cards. I don't "score" much for scrapbooking. What's the point. I do remember in the "talking myself into phase" that I could make cards that are decorated with the stuff Addison and I cut out with the Cricut. I used to say "I'm going to make cards to put with gifts that the boys take to birthday parties, but really, now that they are older, there are not as many parties to go to. but still...I never have a card to put with a gift. And I'm too cheap to buy a card. I just tell them who it's from when they are opening it. (or tell the boys to).
Don't tell the Bluebonnet Scrappers...they will want me to make cards. Shh!
The boys did not race tonight. Rain 0ut . Donna and I took Addison and Patrick and ate at Mooyah's. Travis stayed home and worked on the race car with Ty.
Addison and I went to Michaels today in Hurst to buy a Martha Stewart Score Board.
I had to have this. Then I got it home and used it once, on scratch paper, and thought "now WHY did I need this?" I don't do cards. I don't "score" much for scrapbooking. What's the point. I do remember in the "talking myself into phase" that I could make cards that are decorated with the stuff Addison and I cut out with the Cricut. I used to say "I'm going to make cards to put with gifts that the boys take to birthday parties, but really, now that they are older, there are not as many parties to go to. but still...I never have a card to put with a gift. And I'm too cheap to buy a card. I just tell them who it's from when they are opening it. (or tell the boys to).
Don't tell the Bluebonnet Scrappers...they will want me to make cards. Shh!
The boys did not race tonight. Rain 0ut . Donna and I took Addison and Patrick and ate at Mooyah's. Travis stayed home and worked on the race car with Ty.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Worked today. Walked today. No wildlife. It's such a letdown not to see anything on my walks now! :)
I just messed around in my office tonight with Addison. She loves my Cricut machine.
as do I! She gets all the cartridges out (only time I am thankful that I don't have many) and mixes them all up and the booklets that come with them, and the keypad that comes with them, and mixes them all up and then puts them back in the wrong boxes. So every night, I have to go sort them all and put them away correctly...because I could not just let them be in the wrong place. I have enough chaos in my cluttered life...have to keep these straight. Anyway, she likes to push the buttons and cut the shapes. We don't DO anything with said shapes, of course...because that would requiring actually making something with my stash of stuff. Who has time for that? :) But she has fun playing. I really really hope she does not break it, but IF it should have be replaced someday...there is a new, bigger better one on the market now. :)
I just messed around in my office tonight with Addison. She loves my Cricut machine.
as do I! She gets all the cartridges out (only time I am thankful that I don't have many) and mixes them all up and the booklets that come with them, and the keypad that comes with them, and mixes them all up and then puts them back in the wrong boxes. So every night, I have to go sort them all and put them away correctly...because I could not just let them be in the wrong place. I have enough chaos in my cluttered life...have to keep these straight. Anyway, she likes to push the buttons and cut the shapes. We don't DO anything with said shapes, of course...because that would requiring actually making something with my stash of stuff. Who has time for that? :) But she has fun playing. I really really hope she does not break it, but IF it should have be replaced someday...there is a new, bigger better one on the market now. :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Worked and walked. We ran out of work this a.m. and then again later in the day. Between that and the kids, took 12 hours to do the work. so tired of that.
Watched "He's just not that into you" tonight...then cheeseburgers for dinner again....quick and easy.
I need to get a life! :)
Watched "He's just not that into you" tonight...then cheeseburgers for dinner again....quick and easy.
I need to get a life! :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
worked and walked...did not see any wildlife today...always a little disappointing! :) Travis went to Ryan's today and ended up spending the night. We had spaghetti for dinner...at Travis' request...and then he did not come home to eat it.
Just another boring day in the Bailey Household...
Just another boring day in the Bailey Household...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
No work this a.m. until after 9. Worked until 7. Went to Taco Tuesday at Rosa's with Margie and kids. that's about it...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Got up and showered and made a chocolate cake for Mom's block party. She did it on the 5th this year so that it would not interfere with other's church plans yesterday. Went over, had brunch (pot luck, very good), hung out, cleaned up, went to get a snow cone with boys while Addie went with Oma and Grandpa to play at the McDonald's playground, then home and took nap. For dinner, made bacon cheeseburgers and fries...pretty good!
watched Band of Brothers with Ty. New respect for Veterans. Wow...
here's a few photos from Mom's party...
watched Band of Brothers with Ty. New respect for Veterans. Wow...
here's a few photos from Mom's party...
some of the neighbors...
and my kiddos!
Nathan (my nephew) came with his new girlfriend and her daughter...Amber and Jade. Very nice. He seems very happy!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Went to Petsmart to get bedding for Chewy...he's been out. (he's our gerbil).
Went to Michael's with a 50% coupon, but did not buy anything.
Went to 3 different grocery stores...picked up stuff to grill at the Bailey's house tonight.
Went to in-laws, Ty grilled, steaks, carrots (on the grill), squash (on the grill), rolls...it was all good. Spent the evening there. Left about the time all were doing fireworks...watched them as we drove home. Drove towards them but were almost over before we parked. Fort Worth had a rather uneventful grand finale. I took pictures. don't know how good they turned out...will post later.

Went to Michael's with a 50% coupon, but did not buy anything.
Went to 3 different grocery stores...picked up stuff to grill at the Bailey's house tonight.
Went to in-laws, Ty grilled, steaks, carrots (on the grill), squash (on the grill), rolls...it was all good. Spent the evening there. Left about the time all were doing fireworks...watched them as we drove home. Drove towards them but were almost over before we parked. Fort Worth had a rather uneventful grand finale. I took pictures. don't know how good they turned out...will post later.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Worked today. walked today. Took kids to Bosses Pizza buffet in Keller with Margie and her kids. Love their pizza. Thanks for telling me about it, Donna!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wow, July already.
no work this a.m. Well, a couple, but ran out by 6:30a.m. Went and laid down w/ Addison for awhile then got up and walked. There were mushrooms all over the back yard. Well, not ALL over, but alot. Not big mushrooms...little guys. cute. Just popped up overnight. I went and got the camera. I'm just always amazed by how much the yard changes or the things I find that were not there the day before. I know that sounds stupid...but since I'm such an unobservant person...it makes the walk a little more interesting. I really love it when I go out and see one of the animals. In our backyard in the last 14 years, I have seen skunks, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, a fox, a coyote, owls, and of course the vulture. it's fun!

anyway, another frustrating work day. Ran out off and on all day.
to be continued....
no work this a.m. Well, a couple, but ran out by 6:30a.m. Went and laid down w/ Addison for awhile then got up and walked. There were mushrooms all over the back yard. Well, not ALL over, but alot. Not big mushrooms...little guys. cute. Just popped up overnight. I went and got the camera. I'm just always amazed by how much the yard changes or the things I find that were not there the day before. I know that sounds stupid...but since I'm such an unobservant person...it makes the walk a little more interesting. I really love it when I go out and see one of the animals. In our backyard in the last 14 years, I have seen skunks, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, a fox, a coyote, owls, and of course the vulture. it's fun!
anyway, another frustrating work day. Ran out off and on all day.
to be continued....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Work this morning...did about 450 lines my first 1.25 hours. Wow...I ROCK! :)
Actually had my work done by 2:30 today. I can count on 1 hand how many times I have done that in the last year.
Kids fought all day.
Another bad day.
Actually had my work done by 2:30 today. I can count on 1 hand how many times I have done that in the last year.
Kids fought all day.
Another bad day.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY, SANDRA MOODY! It's my SIL's bithday. Hope it's a good one!
No work again this a.m. worked all day/evening when we did get some. It's so frustrating.
Addie did go to swim lessons today. It started to rain just before we left, but they did them anyway...no lightning. She said she wanted to go, so I took her. Despite the fact that she had had no nap. and it was raining. and the water was cold. She wanted to leave as soon as we got in the water and cried the whole lesson. This is the same child that was going off the diving board on Friday. Not sure what happened.
NOT A GOOD DAY. That's all I'm gonna say.
No work again this a.m. worked all day/evening when we did get some. It's so frustrating.
Addie did go to swim lessons today. It started to rain just before we left, but they did them anyway...no lightning. She said she wanted to go, so I took her. Despite the fact that she had had no nap. and it was raining. and the water was cold. She wanted to leave as soon as we got in the water and cried the whole lesson. This is the same child that was going off the diving board on Friday. Not sure what happened.
NOT A GOOD DAY. That's all I'm gonna say.
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