Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Patrick had practice today and I had a meeting for his field trip to Austin, so I dropped him off and went across the street to his meeting. I'm really excited about this field trip. The entire 4th grade is going to Austin, to the state capital and the Bob Bullock Museum. I have never been and I think the Austin state capital bldg is just GORGEOUS so I can't wait to get there with my camera! It's going to be a long but rushed day, from what I understand, but still...just really excited that Patrick gets to do this. We have to meet at the school at 5:30 a.m. and won't be back until 8. Fortunately, we are taking chartered buses so I don't have to drive.

Top 10 list today? um...let's make it top 5. Places to go eat. I've gotten very picky about where we eat out now because of the economic situation.

1. Abuelo's
2. Joe T's (Sunday brunch only)
3. Piccolo Mondo
4. Kincaids or MooYahs (burgers)
5. Mama's Pizza (we hardly ever go here...but it's probably my absolute favorite pizza)

These are in no particular order either.

pretty much anywhere we go, besides those above, I regret having spent the $$.

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