Just thought I needed to add a picture...seems like it has been awhile. I really like this one of them looking at each other...their interaction, her joy...she has her daddy all to herself for this moment in time and she is laughing and happy...squeals of joy if I remember correctly.
Oh, and this one.
Can anyone guess what this is a photo of?
IT'S "MY" TREE! On the recent snow day. I'm one of those idiots that drove down the road taking pictures. And you think TEXTING and driving is dangerous?
In my defense, I was at a stop sign, and there were no other cars around. None behind me and none coming on the road. Just me...and the snow...and my tree. I do wish this was a professional portrait of it...but it will have to do. It was snowing - blizzard-like - when I took this. I was on my way home from taking the kids to school (and Mom's) and came home a different way because (1) I had my camera and (2) I had been thinking about taking a picture of this tree since I posted about it earlier this year. Well, I had been THINKING about taking the picture for YEARS...but you know what I mean. Anyway...since I had the camera, and it was snowing and I had not seen the tree with snow before, I went home that way.
Which go me to thinking...maybe I SHOULD leave the camera in the car. well, not permanently, but a couple days a week at least. I'm realizing 2 months into this that I'm approaching it wrong. Well, there is no "wrong" with this, but I've been reading lots of other blogs of people doing this project and I really like some of their approaches.
anyway, that being said, I am not caught up as far as putting the book together, but I am keeping up in that my journaling is on here and I have a list of pictures that I either need to take or have taken and need to print and put in the book. I do know that w/out this blog, there would be no project.
Another thing that dawned on me is this. I have a Word file where I have started typing and printing out my journaling, so while I intend to do the blog too, I need to start typing up my journaling every day too, in that file. I am behind on that too. so now when I go to get caught up I will be tied to the computer...both looking up on here what I did on a certain day and then typing it out in the Word file (or hand writing it....). That is now how this should go. I should not be dependent on the computer to do this project. All I should need is a pen and my camera/prints.
Isn't it funny how we lived our whole life to adulthood w/out a computer, and now it is in every part of our lives? I never had a computer until the early 1990s, and that was just for my job. It was a 286 and had 1 MB of RAM. Which was 'WAY MORE THAN I WOULD EVER NEED BECAUSE I WON'T USE THE COMPUTER FOR ANYTHING ELSE." I remember saying that. I also remember getting a "side job" - doing transcription for a doctor, and buying a Smith Corona Word Processor to do it on. The job paid for it in about a month. It was a no-brainer to buy it. But I bought it, not a computer, because "I would never use a computer...it's too much machine for me. All I'm going to do with it is work and maybe write an occasional letter. Besides, what would I do with a computer?" And then along came Prodigy. The internet. WOW...what a world was out there. But it was pay by the hour, so you had to limit yourself. and email was a 24-hour delay. You would write someone and then wait until the next day to get your reply. Remember that?
Then I had kids. and AOL came around. They came around prior to kids, but I got my first free disk from them after I had Travis. and I remember saiving that disk for awhile before "redeeming" my free time because it was limited and I wanted to make the most of it and I was busy with Travis. I waited until he was gone at Nana's so I would be able to get in the internet w/out being interrupted and wasting my free 5 hours, or whatever it was. That was 15 years ago. FREE disk my a$$! yea, the plastic itself was free, but I shutter to think how much of my money they got over the years. I was on AOL until just before I had Addison. So do the math.
Scary to think how quickly the world has changed because of computers. I often wonder what I would be doing for a living if it weren't for computers. I would not be a transcriptionist, because I can NOT type on a typewriter. If it does not have a backspace and delete button, I can't type on it. :) I trained on a correcting Selectric. Then my first job was a Wang Word Processor. Then when I started at home, I had to buy a computer, which brings me back to the 286 with a MEG of RAM. and I remember I told myself...there is no way I will use all that memory. My computer today? Internal 500 GB hard drive and external 500 GB hard drive. and eventually my photos will fill one. probably.
Things change. That's why this project is such a passion of mine. What fun it will be to look back at it in 10-15 years. A glimpse of life in 2010. Wish I had thought to do this in 1990. or 2000. It might be a boring life. But it's MINE. I want to remember it. oh, and what I would not give to have done this in high school! :))
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