Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, Feb 25, 2010

Well, Pat claimed to be sick this a.m. I did not believe him - but I am thinking of enrolling him in acting classes - but kept him home just in case because of Ty being sick. I think he just heard Ty last night and thought he could use that to his advantage. He learned years ago that after 10 a.m. I won't take him to school because you are still counted absent for the he is sick as a dog until 9:59 a.m. and then at 10 a.m. on the dot, miracles come to him and he is healed. Today I told him NO electronics at all or I was taking him to school. Ty went in to work late and left early (and slept the rest of the day) but he brought home some videos so guess what Pat did after that?

Went to get Addison at Mom's and she was HORRIBLE. Mom said she had not napped all day and was crabby all day. She did not want to put her diaper or pants on when I got there, and wanted to get all her clothes off. This is her thing lately. I don't know if she wants to be in control or what...but she has been doing that at bedtime too...not wanting to put PJs on. Throwing screaming FITS for what seems like an eternity and NOT GIVING IN (but being defeated, nonetheless). She gets MAD/ANGRY. and of course, kicking and hitting all the while. I need to get her on some semblance of a schedule. I need to get her to bed earlier at night. Problem is I'm working most evenings and Ty does not get her to bed while I'm working. anyway, she was starting to fall asleep on the way home and I told Travis to keep her awake until we got home or she would wake up at home and be horrible again. We got home and I laid on the couch with her on my stomach and she slept for about 2 hours. I tried to put her in bed...she woke up. I tried to lay her on the couch. She woke up. Finally just had to get up and she got up too and now it is 8:15 and she is wide awake at bedtime.

I love that girl and I'm sure someday I will look back and realize these were the good days, but now, i'm just not feeling it!

and Ty wonders why I never get anything done...

Watched AI top 24 guys...again, no one jumped out at me. Several from Texas this year, one from Trav's school...but no "Adam" or "David" in this crowd. But, I'm a fan and I'll keep watching and see if someone emerges.

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