Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, Feb 8, continued...

Went to the grocery store tonight...Took Addison. We went to Tom Thumb for a change of pace and a sale. And stupid me did not bring a camera. Well, had my camera phone, but never even thought about using it. It's still new, and my old camera phone was not worth bothering with. Anyway...when Travis was little, we had a Tom Thumb right down the street from us and that was where I did our shopping. This Tom Thumb had "baby carts" - or child sized shopping carts for kids to push. Travis LOVED them. L.O.V.E.D. them. I had to constantly get on him for leaving my side and literally RACING up and down the aisles. Everything was a race with him. If I ever wanted him to do something, I just had to challenge him to a race. Anyway, memories....

so last night we are at the "new" Tom Thumb by Mom's house and we walked in and Addison saw "Addison sized shopping carts." She very nicely and politely asked if she could have one. She was so sweet - I could not say no.

So, here's a difference between boys and girls, for those that don't know. Give a boy a shopping cart and it promptly turns into a race car. And they WON'T stay by your side. And you can't catch them. Give a GIRL a shopping cart, and she SHOPS. Everytime I turned around, she had something new in her shopping cart. I had to draw the line when she walked over to a display of Busweiser and tried to pick up a 12-pack. I had to put the jar of Mayo back. I had to put the blackened creole seasoning back. I had to put the yogurt back. I had to put the Coke and the cookies back. I let her keep the orange Gatorade (sale) and the hamburger buns that we needed for dinner.

So, letting her have that cart made her day. It wore her out. and it doubled my shopping time. At least.

But it is a good memory. And it reminded me of fun times with Travis - good memories.

Next time I'll have my camera!! :)

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