Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, Nov 2, 2010

Ty stayed home today...took boys to school but did not go to dr. I got my lines in, and then some, but not enough to make up for yesterday I could have, but stopped to take Travis TO GET HIS PERMIT! AND, HE ACTUALLY GOT IT TODAY!

When we walked in there was a girl and her mom standing there that he knew. I assumed it was someone from his dr. ed. class. But when they were leaving, he said bye to the girl and then said "Bye, Mrs. Huggins." and it dawned on me that was his homecoming date. HELLO??? You did not even INTRODUCE me. (he FORGOT that I did not ever meet her). (eyes rolling here). boys!!!

anyway, he got the permit, but then when I pulled into a parking lot to let him drive he wouldn't "because he would not learn anything in a parking lot." ????? guess he knows it all already. It rained all day...was still raining... I was not going to let him drive my car down rufe snow in the rain during rush hour. Call me a MOM!

anyway, took the night off...so to speak, caught up on blog, made dinner (chili), watched dancing with the stars (love that show).

oh, and I VOTED today. It's election day!

1 comment:

  1. nathan learned to drive in a parking lot-"someone" better get rid of that know-it-all already attitude or he's going to have a wreck really soon~
