Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Saturday, Oct 30, 2010

So, go up this a.m. and went to Mom's with Addie and we made her tutu. It turned out soo cute. I left Mom's and went to WalMart to get stuff for Addie's costume and find one for Pat. Fortunately they had 3 to chose from. I took pix and tested them to him and he picked one and I got it. Thank goodness. and it was cheap!

Then I found dance stuff for Addie. Also got her some shoes. So, all set for halloween.

Came home and I tried all Addie's stuff on her while Pat tried his on. Addie went outside with her tutu one and she ran and danced around the yard for a good 20 minutes. She LOVES her tutu! It was so cute. I got lots of pictures and some video.

i want to add more photos here, but for some reason, when i click on the icon to load them, nothing happens. I'll try again later. I have some of her running around the yard, dancing, and some of her and Patrick at the carnival.

Came home and this evening we went to the city's Halloween celebration at Green Valley Park...Addie and Pat came and they both had a good time. I was so glad Pat ended up coming. He really likes his costume, too. He was not sure he wanted to go out this year. He is growing up faster than Travis did. I think Travis did stuff longer because he had younger siblings, and now Patrick is doing things less because Travis quit doing them. But, he went out tonight to the carnival with us and helped Addie with some games. We had a good time. Addie went in the bounce house and stayed in for a long time. Loved it.

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