Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, Oct 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ronda!!

This morning we got up before the crack of dawn, got ready, and met up at Pat's school for the field trip with Mrs. Luppy's class to Fossil Rim. What a great day. The weather was perfect. Peppy and Jake came with us. We did the wildlife tour, ate a sack lunch, had Dairy Queen on the way back...and did I mention the weather was perfect? We fed giraffes, ostriches, same many types of deer and antelope...rhinos and cheetahs, and other animals I have never even heard of (well, I heard them last time we went, but had already forgotten them). got home before 4...played with Addison outside, Ty grabbed Burger Street for dinner. I went over to see Norma and Jan before they leave tomorrow, and to give her a pin I found of a Gold Rhino to give to Michael (O'Toole) because he just opened a store called The Gold Rhino. They had it at Fossil Rim.


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