Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Yea, I know it's Tuesday...but I'm writing about Monday. Travis took his driving test today. I got him out of school at 3:15 (they dismiss at 4:10 this year) and went drove up to the DPS...he practiced parallel parking a few times and then we went in. He went to the restroom and I went to check him in for his 4 p.m. appt. She said "Just take your paperwork and your proof of insurance and drive your car around to the test site out back."

Oh. my. God. I just realized I switched wallets a couple of weeks ago and guess where my proof of insurance is? ugh...

So...we look through the console hoping against hope that Ty put an extra card in there, but no...so we drove back home, got it, and went right back. This makes about 7x we have been up to the DPS since this all started. I was KICKING myself. and I KNOW Travis wanted to kick me!

So, we went back, but the lady at the front desk said "if you are more than 15 minutes late, you have to reschedule." ughhhhhhhhhhh. (it was 4:20). So, I went to reschedule and the lady ended up asking the DPS officer if they were go ahead and test him and THEY DID!! and he PASSED! with a 95!

now that that is out of the way...I'M SO NOT READY!!!!!!!

and AFTER he drove home, it occurred to me that our insurance does not cover him with his license...only his permit. So now he can't drive again until we get the insurance coverage.

Last week we went to the top 10 (percent) ceremony at school. Travis is #20 in his class this year.

Today and yesterday Pat stayed home from school, sick. Took him to clinic today and it must be viral...Strep came back negative. He'll go back to school tomorrow. I feel so bad...I never believe him when he is sick. Because he has cried wolf before. But he really was sick this time. Running fever...stayed in bed almost all day yesterday. Poor guy.

We went to Joe T's on Sunday for Bobby Cathey's parent's 50th anniversery party. It was nice weather and we were outside. All of Ty's racing buddies were there. Good times. of course I took the camera!

Last weekend, we went to Joe T's for mother's day. of course! Patsy did not make it...feeling bad due to a "memory drug" they gave her. I did not get a picture of me and mom this year, just realized.

that's all I remember for now...

This is us at the Cathey's anniversery party at Joe Ts

Happy 50th to the Cathey's!

Ty and Bobby...

This is Addie at Joe Ts when we went the weekend after Mother's Day for the Cathey's 50th anniversery. Their son is Ty's best friend. Patrick missed his last field trip to go to this.

Addie at Joe Ts. These pictures just reminded me i need to take that photography class!! Mother's Day 2011

Addied at Joe Ts on Mother's Day.

This is Mom and Dad on Mother's Day 2011, at Joe T's..

This was on mother's day. Notice someone missing? Travis got invited to go to the Mav's playoff game for FREE and even though it was mother's day, how could I possibly let him miss out on something like that? Had to let him go!

This is Travis, receiving his 2nd letter for Academics! He posed for my camera right there on stage! Everyone laughed! Yep...he's a Bailey!

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